Ideas, inspiration and action for world-class cities

International Women's Day image

Empowering Women into Governance

Alison Mau, Penny Hulse, Dianne Hale, Susan Freeman-Greene, Kritika Selach, Susanne Tapsell

In support of International Women’s Day, Auckland Council is hosting a panel discussion with the theme “Empowering women into governance”.

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Children playing in Orewa

How can we make Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland a playful city?

Alex Bonham, Damien Puddle, Scott Duncan, Kimberly Graham, Shyrel Burt, Greer Oliver, Jacquelyn Collins

Play is essential for tamariki wellbeing, and playful environments are welcoming and joyful spaces for everybody – but play hasn’t always been at the top of the list for considerations when designing urban spaces, or when thinking more generally about what

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Image of Auckland waterfront

Regenerative Practices

Weaving together mātauranga Māori and modern science to heal Auckland’s waterfront

How is mātauranga Māori and modern science being woven together to heal a former industrial area on Wynyard Quarter?

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Shaping Tomorrow Together

Exploring the deliberative democracy journey


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Our City Tomorrow

Reimagining Auckland

It's been a decade since the highly influential Janette Sadik-Khan visited Auckland. That visit was a catalyst for change in the city that has seen the creation and renewal of many public spaces and improvements in cycle and walking infrastructure.

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Auckland City

Superblocks for the Supercity?

How to turn urban neighbourhoods into vibrant city villages


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Transporting Us To A Cooler Future

Tiffany Robinson, Dr Timothy Welch, Tim Adriaansen, Dean Kimpton

It is 2050 and Auckland's population is around 2.5 million people.

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